Civil Liability Insurance

Civil Liability of the Road Cargo Carrier (RCTR-C)
It is a mandatory insurance for road freight transport and provides coverage for any damage caused to the goods or merchandise of third parties placed under their responsibility.
Collision, Rollover, Collision and/or Vehicle Overturn
Fire or Explosion in the Carrier Vehicle
Loading, Unloading and Lifting Operations
Road Trip with Complementary River Route
Cargo Assistance

Optional Civil Liability for Missing Cargo (RCF-DC)
It is an optional insurance for the road freight carrier that indemnifies losses in case of theft or disappearance of the cargo. The RCF-DC insurance must be taken out in conjunction with the RCTR-C.
Total disappearance of the charge concomitant with the vehicle.
theft during transit
Theft of goods loaded on the transport vehicle
Theft in the carrier's warehouse

Civil Liability of the Air Carrier - Cargo (RCTA-C)
It is mandatory insurance for the air cargo carrier and provides coverage for any damage caused to the goods or merchandise of third parties placed under their responsibility.
Collision, Aircraft Crash
Aircraft fire or explosion
Fire or Explosion in Deposits, Warehouses or Patios Used by the Insured
Civil Liability of Road Carrier on International Travel - Damage to Cargo Carried (RCTR-VI)
It is a mandatory insurance for the road freight carrier on international trips that guarantees coverage for any damage caused to the goods or merchandise of third parties placed under their responsibility, in occurrences inside or outside the country.
Collision, Rollover, Collision and/or Overturning of the Carrier Vehicle
Fire or Explosion in the Carrier Vehicle
Cargo theft coverage, concomitant with the transport vehicle, is optional and may be contracted under this insurance.

Environmental Civil Liability Transport
The ideal solution for your company to transport with tranquility and preserve the environment.
Cleaning expenses resulting from pollution conditions of the transported cargo
Monitoring costs, removal of contamination from soil, surface water and groundwater
Personal injury and material damage caused to third parties
Transport Insurance
Transport insurance guarantees the insured an indemnity for damages caused to the insured goods during their transport in waterway, land and air travel, on national and international routes.
Coverage can be extended while the goods are kept in warehouses.
Transport insurance is composed of a basic coverage, automatically contracted, and additional coverage, which cover risks that are not covered by the basic coverage, and against which the insured can optionally be insured, by paying an additional premium.
There are some options for contracting basic coverage, among them we highlight:
No. 1 - Restricted Basic Coverage (C) - guarantees the insured the damages he may suffer as a result of loss and material damage caused to the insured object exclusively by:
a) Fire, lightning or explosion;
b) stranding, sinking or capsizing of the ship or vessel;
c) land vehicle overturn, collision, tipping or derailment;
d) collision, collision or contact of the ship or vessel with any external object other than water;
e) collision, fall and/or forced landing of the aircraft, duly proven;
f) unloading the cargo at a harbor port;
g) cargo thrown overboard;
h) total loss of any volume during ship loading and unloading operations; and
i) total loss arising from a fortune at sea and/or being taken by the sea.
No. 2 - Restricted Basic Coverage (B) - guarantees the insured the damages he may suffer as a result of loss and material damage caused to the insured object by the risks mentioned in the previous coverage and also by:
a) flooding, overflowing of water courses, dams, lakes or lakes, during the overland journey;
b) rocks, earth, works of art of any kind or other objects collapsing or falling during the overland journey;
c) earthquake or volcanic eruption; and
d) entry of water from the sea, lake or river, into the vessel or ship, vehicle, container, van (“liftvan”) or storage place.
No. 3 - Broad Basic Coverage (A) - guarantees the insured the damages he may suffer as a result of all risks of loss or material damage suffered by the insured object, as a result of any external causes, except those provided for in the non-damage clause. indemnifiable.
There are also basic coverages that aim to cover goods and/or specific situations, such as the following coverages:
Nº 4 - Restricted Basic Coverage for Shipments of Goods/Property Packaged in Refrigerated Environments;
Nº 5 - Broad Basic Coverage for Shipments of Goods/Profited Goods in Refrigerated Environments;
Nº 6 - Basic Restricted Coverage for Frozen Goods/Goods;
Nº 7 - Broad Basic Coverage for Frozen Goods/Goods;
Nº 9 - Broad Basic Coverage for Live Animals (Except Air Shipments of Live Birds);
Nº 10 - Broad Basic Coverage for Live Birds Air Transport Insurance;
Nº 20 - Basic Coverage for Luggage Insurance; and
Nº 21 - Basic Coverage for Carrier-Driven Goods Insurance.
The person who is interested in preserving the property against the risks inherent to the trip, that is, anyone who has an insurable interest in the cargo to be transported.
In the purchase and sale contract, it is established from which moment the insurable interest passes from the seller to the buyer of the merchandise.
Transport insurance is contracted by the owner of the cargo, and is mandatory for legal entities, with the exception of public agencies. The carrier's liability insurance, on the other hand, must be contracted by the transport company, but it only covers damages for which the carrier itself is responsible, such as collision, overturn, collision, fire or explosion of the transport vehicle.
Once the insured has delivered all the required documentation, which must be included in the policy conditions, the insurer will pay the indemnity within a maximum period of 30 days. In the case of request for documents other than those considered basic for the settlement of claims, this period will be suspended, and its counting will be restarted from the business day following that on which the requirements are fully met.
CNSP Resolution No. 17/1968 - Establishes that mandatory insurance for the transport, in the country, of goods belonging to legal entities and fire risks of assets belonging to legal entities located in the country, shall be governed by the rules, conditions and current rates for these branches.
SUSEP Circular No. 354/2007 - Makes available on the SUSEP website the contractual conditions of the standardized plan for transport insurance and establishes the minimum rules for the sale of this insurance.