About DN&A
DN&A - Diagnostics Neves & Almeida was created by two women with vast experience in the cargo transport insurance market.
Together, they have more than four decades of experience as well as solid careers developed in the area, acting in strategic and leadership positions in renowned national and multinational companies.
Regina Almeida
- Bachelor of Business Administration
- MBA in Business Strategy
- Damages Commissioner
- Business Coach
- 20 years of experience in Transport Insurance.

Sheila Neves
- Logistics and Transport Risk Management
- Bachelor of Administration with an emphasis on Foreign Trade and Logistics
- MBA in International Logistics / Foreign Trade
- MBA in Risk Management
- 24 years of experience in Transport Insurance.
Provide our customers financial return through mastering your logistics operation, offering the best options within strict ethical standards ensuring quality.
Ethics, honesty, respect for humans and animals, equality, transparency, focus and determination.
Being the consultancy recognized not only by the large percentage
recovery and assistance to customers, but also as a generator of jobs and income.